Wednesday, February 9, 2011

David Jones Autumn Winter Fashion Launch

On Tuesday I had the pleasure of working on the David Jones Autumn Winter Fashion Launch. The show showcases new looks from some of David Jones most froffed over designer brands including Josh Gout, Thurley, Jack London, Project D and One Teaspoon. Models of the moment such as David Jones Youth Ambassador Samantha Harris, Nicole T and Alexander Agoston walked up and down the glossy black runway which was apart of a massive transformation of the CBD's stores' level 7 normally blank and dirty decor into a dark, cosy, stylish whisky bar setting.

Check out the video of the show and some of my pics from the event:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Acade Fire video gets interactive

Once I get to know you I am not quiet, at least I don't think I am. Even if I do seem reserved it is usually because I am deep in thought. I am always in thought, or talking. This is so rad I don't have anything to say about it. I don't event have a thought about it really. This is so rad that this post probably makes no sense.

Click here type in your home address and watch the interactive awesomeness!

P.s I heart Arcade Fire

Thursday, February 3, 2011

SIA being SIA

SIA is pretty much the cutest Australian in History. She has the enthusiasm and wide eye enthusiasm of 5 year old girl. Well a really intelligent, funny, talented five year old in a mid thirties woman's body.

Besides from playing her collection of epic ballads and pop songs she also spend a fair bit of time interacting with her passionate fans.

Check out some of my very average pictures from the gig below.

The Holidays Support SIA at the Enmore

and and new hipster favorites The Holidays played a tight set at the Enmore on Thursday.

I was there to take some pictures (they are pretty average but I am working on this).

Check them out on their MySpace

Sydney b

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cameron James Lives is live!!!!!

After 10 days of long hours and sleepless nights the final (well almost final) version of my short film has arrived.

Check it out on optus 180 and leave a comment.


Also don't forget to join the facebook page.

Gypsy and the Cat

Have you guys been getting into Gypsy and the Cat? They are currently on my high rotation on my iPhone and I just can't get enough of their electro pop sounds. The melbourne group recently did a show at the Oxford Art Factory. I covered this show for InTheMix. Check out some pics below:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chronicles Of Never Goes Digital

Froffers be Froffin. Australia's most avant guard fashion brand lead by Ksubi founder Gareth Moody has just launched it's online store.

The online product range will include the label's menswear, womenswear and footwear collections, as well as the full Spring/Summer 2011 eyewear range - all available to domestic and international customers.

To celebrate their launch Chronicles of Never are offering a special 20% off everything to celebrate the launch of the online store and website design.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hi all

This is totally late but I wanted to wish you all a Rad New Year. 2011 will be as rad as you make it !

Updates soon Kids!